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Review of the year, 2014 - 2015

Another successful year for the Lecale & Downe Historical Society and we are delighted to report a healthy membership base and well attended lectures. We also began the journey towards our new registration with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and hope to see this completed in 2015/16.

We started our programme of lectures in September with an interesting topic From Powdered Dandy to Old Bear which told us about the life of David Ker of Portavo who had purchased the 18th Century mansion of Montalto in 1800. This was one colourful story retold for us by Peter Carr from the definitive two volumes of his investigation into the townland of Portavo at the northerly end of the Ards Peninsula and the Ker family who were the landowners. In October we went on an interesting journey with Dr Brian Turner as he reflected on the work that had gone into researching the townland history of Audleystown. This had resulted in the Society's third monograph, published in May 2014.

In November the Society launched its Lecale Review 2014, always a highlight of the year. This volume marked thirty-one years of publishing our annual local historical publication, an unbroken record. Society member, Dr Maurice Hayes, was guest speaker for the evening and tantalisingly took us through the publication sharing his thoughts on the various articles. This edition of the Review contained a wonderful selection of some twenty articles spanning many interesting themes not least Dr Hayes' own contribution about Florrie Mearns who in 1912 tragically drowned in a pond in the county town by falling through ice. The Review continues to be an exemplary publication comprising research, items of interest and oral history of County Down.

The December meeting was scheduled to be given by Mike Hartwell photographer but unfortunately due to illness he was unable to join us. However the Society had an enjoyable evening viewing some of the first colour films by Albert Kahn of countries ranging from Ireland to Mongolia.

The new year began with our January lecture given by Philip Orr. The subject was Francis Hutcheson, born in Drumalig near Saintfield in 1694. This Presbyterian minister was a Scots-Irish philosopher who attended the University of Glasgow. He went on to become one of the main founding fathers of the Scottish Enlightenment. Philip presented an informative lecture about this man whose ethical writings and moral philosophy influenced a world view of thinking at home and in what was at that time colonial America. One of his most famous quotes is: 'That action is best which procures the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers'.

In February a member of the Society Committee, Patrick Cross, gave a very interesting lecture on the Anglo-Irish negotiations of 1921. The lecture was particularly of interest because it provided an insight into who the negotiators were, as well as outlining the issues and timeline of this historic agreement.

Our March St Patrick's Festival lecture was given by Dr Mike King, Curator of Down Museum, who took us on the rediscovery and reconstruction journey associated with St Patrick's Cross. This tale had all the hallmarks of a true detective story: a few pieces of information, a few coincidences and a lot of hard work by a number of key individuals to unearth images and piece together the facts that confirm the magnitude of St Patrick's Cross. This led to the possibility of being able to scan the fragments of what remains and then to recreate the entire Cross. In April we welcomed Dr Mark Kennedy, the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum's Road and Railway Curator, who provided a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of transport and industry in Co Down. April also saw the Society run a very enjoyable table quiz and social evening attended by members and friends.

The Annual General Meeting was held in May and the business meeting was followed by our now traditional members' items of interest. The following individuals were elected to serve on the Committee: Berkley Farr, Philip Blair, Wendy Osborne OBE, Kathleen Gill, U Una Fitzsimons, Anne Liggett, Alastair Killen, Patrick Cross and Roderick Downer; the President is Walter Love MBE.

The Society's annual programme ended in June with a visit to the Ulster Aviation Society outside Lisburn. Their vast hangars contain a unique collection of aircraft dating back to the Second World War. Society members had the opportunity to inspect aircraft at close quarters and see how they are maintained and restored by volunteers who deserve great credit for preserving this part of our history.

The regular meetings of the Society are held in Down County Museum and the Society would wish to thank the Curator and staff of Down Museum for their help and assistance in the smooth organisation of our events. We wish Lesley Simpson well on her retirement with thanks for all her expertise and assistance over many years and welcome her successor Victoria Millar.

This was another busy year for the Lecale & Downe Historical Society and we would wish to acknowledge all those who contributed to making our activities and events so informative and enjoyable. The Society is also indebted to the volunteers who help out throughout the year in a variety of roles, their time and support is greatly appreciated.



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