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Save Down County Museum

Lecale & Downe Historical Society would like to draw your attention to the following message and invitation from the Friends of Down County Museum. All historical societies in County Down will no doubt value the collections and expertise associated with the Down County Museum and would wish to see this service sustained and developed to the highest possible standard. Please do consider the issues raised regarding the downgrading of staffing and the genuine concern that this will be detrimental to the viability of providing a vibrant and effective museum. If you cannot make the stakeholders meeting, please do contact the Friends of Down County Museum to highlight your support.

A recent letter published in local newspapers is attached.

Wendy Osborne, Membership Secretary, Lecale & Downe Historical Society.

From the Friends of Down County Museum

You may be aware that Newry, Mourne and Down Council are proposing to implement a completely new staffing structure at the Museum. The main concerns of the Friends are

  • A Curator post, shared with Newry Museum
  • The loss of the Technician/Photographer post
  • The loss of Keeper of Collections and Assistant Keeper posts, to be replaced by lower grade posts
  • The Museum is already in crisis with not enough front of house staff to keep the buildings open for more than four days a week, with no evening openings
  • There has been no consultation with stakeholders

Stakeholders' meeting: 7.45pm 16 February 2022, at Denvirs' Hotel, English Street, Downpatrick

Following the Friends AGM at the above premises there will be an open meeting to consult with other stakeholders about staff restructuring at the Museum. Representatives of local societies who value the Museum are invited to attend this meeting. If you are anxious about coming to a meeting in current circumstances, you may email us at the address below, or write to us c/o the Museum, with any comments. The Chief Executive of Newry, Mourne and Down Council or delegated officer, has been invited to attend this meeting, in order to engage with us to ensure a more satisfactory and positive outcome to the issues we have raised.

Email: Fodcmuseum@gmail.com