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Other Publications

6th Jan 2025

Lecale Miscellany Collection

All 20 editions available on CD (1983-2002)

The Lecale Historical Society's annual journal Lecale Miscellany was produced annually between 1983 and 2002. From 2003 Lecale Review replace it. Most of the original journals are now out of print and copies are almost impossible to obtain. The Society is pleased to be able to provide this reproduction of the full set of journals in Portable Document Format (PDF) PDF, fully searchable

Price: £10 + £2 P&P (£4 if outside UK & Ireland)


Strangford: Portrait of a Village 1901-1911

Monograph No.2 (2012)
By Colm Rooney

This monograph, written by Colm Rooney, is a study of the village of Strangford based on the 1901 & 1911 Census. This was a decade of great change on the eve of the First World War, and Colm's book gives us a wonderful insight into the lives of individual people living in the village at this time. 100 pages, 54 images, monochrome

100 pages, 54 images, monochrome
ISBN 978-0-9573718-0-4
Price: £10 + £2 P&P (£4 if outside UK & Ireland)


Aspects of Audelystown - a Townland in Lecale

Monograph No.3 (2014)
By Brian S Turner
Published in association with the Friends of Down County Museum & the Ulster Local History Trust

This study follows the publication of two maps of the townlands of East Down. These maps, Strangford Townlands and Lecale Townlands, published in 2011 and 2012 by the Friends of Down County Museum, supported by the Lecale & Downe Historical Society, and based on Ordnance Survey data, accurately represent the names and boundaries of the hundreds of townlands which identify our country from Newtownards southwards to Dundrum. Audleystown appears on both these maps, in the north part of the barony of Lecale where they overlap.

In all our places there is always more which can be investigated about family history, or folklore, or placenames, or social attitudes, and many other aspects of life. And in these days when even our farmers do not labour or walk in the land in the intense detail which used to be necessary, there can be significance and satisfaction in knowing why oak trees grow in a particular place, or an urban road takes an unexpected bend to respect some ancient boundary, or why a field is called Cruckloughanadreenan. Little observations can add up to greater ones and it is important to pass on inherited knowledge.

62 pages, 57 images, colour
ISBN 978-0-9573718-1-1
Price: £5 + £2 P&P (£4 if outside UK & Ireland)


Notable Inhabitants of Downpatrick

Monograph No.4 (2016)
By Aynsworth Pilson

Edited by Reginald Blackwood, Gordon Wheeler & Colm Rooney
Published in association with the A E Harvey Trust

This fascinating and important work gives us a glimpse into a lost world. Downpatrick in the eighteenth and nineteenth century is brought vividly to life through the stories of seventy-seven of its most notable inhabitants. Businessman Aynsworth Pilson (1777-1863) has left us a uniquely detailed record of his era and its personalities. Pilson's 'Memoirs of Notable Inhabitants of Downpatrick' is now available to a wide readership for the first time.

312 pages, 107 images, monochrome
ISBN 979-0-9573718-2-8
Price: £10 + £2 P&P (£4 if outside UK & Ireland)