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Struells Wells

9th Oct 2024

Monograph No.1 (2011)
By Dr Finbar McCormick

The Lecale & Downe Historical Society has published an annual journal since 1983 and Struell Wells is the first in a series of occasional monographs to be produced in addition to the annual Lecale Review. These deal with specific topics of important local and historical interest which are too large for inclusion as articles in Lecale Review but deserve to be made available to the wider public. Struell Wells near Downpatrick in County Down is one of the very few holy wells that can be directly associated with St Patrick on the basis of early documentary evidence. Dr Finbar McCormick of Queen's University, Belfast has made a particular study of the writings about Struell Wells and associated rituals.

36 pages, 30 images, monochrome
ISSN 1741-7872
NOTE - The Society hopes to reprint this publication in the future that will include a new chapter by Dr Finbar McCormick