Access Keys:

Model School Primary School, Northland Rd, County Londonderry

Join Us

Join Us

The Lecale & Downe Historical Society is always looking to attract new members who have interests and stories to share. In particular, we are reaching out to young people who are keen to expand their interest in history beyond the classroom or lecture theatre and curriculum.

Local history allows us to avoid generalised sweeps and stereotypes and instead focus on the peculiarities of a place. From family names to places, townlands, archaeology, interesting personalities and our built heritage we can connect the local to the national and global. This can confirm or challenge orthodoxy, but it will always be of interest, provoking memory and creating the capacity for community.

Subscription: Individual membership costs £15 per year and Household membership £20. Membership  of the Society entitles you to attend lectures and presentations (£5 for non-members) at no charge and you also receive a free copy of our annual journal, Lecale Review (sale price £10).

You can join the Lecale & Downe Historical Society by downloading the membership form and, if you prefer, a standing order request form.

You can also pay by cheque, posting your form and subscription to the Treasurer, Mr S Magorrian, 5 Manse Gardens, Carryduff, Belfast BT8 8SB.
